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Application Guideline for JEI Dormitory for Fall 2020
20/06/17 18:08 | Student Services Division | View 53601 | Comments 0

** All students planning to apply for JEI Dormitory for Fall 2020 MUST READ the information below.

The university is not responsible for any disadvantage occurring due to students' failure of reading the information thoroughly.


This link is for GUGC students(currently enrolled or plan to return for Fall 2020 semester) to apply for JEI(재능대학교 송도캠퍼스) Dormitory for Fall 2020.


Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMj8cM8C6sFeLDeypNLhOCc9MEFpuCf6yzoMuQ_i8yXsWzJw/viewform


All rooms at JEI Dormitory are triple rooms and below are number of available spots (not rooms)

Male: 24  / Female: 45

Facility information: https://dorm.jeiu.ac.kr/intro/facility.asp  


* Application period: June 17th(Wed) – June 24th(Wed)


* Eligibility:

1) Students currently enrolled or plans to return in Fall(students on leave of absence may not apply for dormitory)

2) Students who received less than 8 penalty points or have not been forcefully evicted at JEI Dormitory during previous semester

3) Student who doesn't apply to below factor according to JEI Dormitory's regulation:

1. Student diagnosed with contagious disease

2. Student on leave of absence(student planning to return for Fall 2020 may apply)

3. Other students who are deemed to be able to cause harm to the dormitory residents


* Payment: payment period will be guided again and will be sometime in late June-early July.


* Length of stay and fees:

1) 4 months (1 semester) - 2020.08.22 - 2020.12.19 (about 1,020,000 KRW)

2) 6 months (1 semester and winter break period) - 2020.08.22 - 2021.02.06 (about 1,440,000 KRW)

- The schedule and dormitory fee amount is tentative and will be re-announced once fixed.



1. You will need to log-in/create your Google account in order to apply through this link


2. You must have documents below ready prior to submitting your application

1) TB test result(issued after June 1st, 2020)

2) Agreement for usage of personal information(attached)


3. DO NOT submit your application without attachments. They will not be considered. Also, refrain from submitting multiple applications. In this case, the last application submitted with attachments will be counted.


4. Application will be accepted based on first come first served basis and only if it has all the information required and documents attached


5. Bed selection method within the room: you are to randomly pick a letter that indicates which side of the bed you will use on the day of your check-in.


6. If a student cancels his/her application after July 31st, 2020 the student will not be able to apply for JEI Dormitory in the following semester


7. We ask those students living in Songdo area or able to commute from home to reconsider applying for dormitory since the space is limited and there are students coming from far away regions.
