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Shuttle Bus

  1. weekday operating hours
    • Morning 6:35 7:50 8:05 8:20 8:35 8:50 9:05
    • Lunch 16:10 17:10 18:10 18:25 20:10
    • Evening 18:40 19:10 19:40
        *Currently no weekend operations
  2. Shuttle bus route and timeline link: https://housing.igc.or.kr/about/shuttle_bus_time.do?s_sq=1


  1. weekday operating hours
    • Lunch Time 11:30~13:30 Price \ 4,500
    • Dinner Time 17:30~18:30 Price \ 4,500
        *Currently no weekend operations
  2. Cafeteria Menu and Operating Hours Link: https://housing.igc.or.kr/about/cafeteria_menu.do

Multi-Complex Building

  1. IGC Library
    • Semester Opening Hours
      • 1F GloFore: 24 hours
      • 2F Focus Lounge/Talk Square/Lounge
      • 3F Lounge: 08:00~24:00
    • Vacation Opening Hours
      • 1F GloFore
      • 2F Focus Lounge/Talk Square/Lounge/
      • 3F Lounge: 08:00~18:00
    • IGC Library Website : https://lib.igc.or.kr
  2. IGC Sports Facilities
  3. IGC Support Center

Other Facilities

  1. Café: Nanum (https://naver.me/FmgStxZT)
  2. Convenience Store: E-mart 24 ((https://naver.me/FcTKoS2D)
  3. Restaurant: Spoon ((https://naver.me/51auHDfm)
  4. Bakery: Eats nature ((https://naver.me/5IsoXul5)