LLC – Centre for Language and Learning
- Prof. Michael Dunne
- Prof. Jonathan Ozelton
- Mr. Jonathan Huynh
- Mr. Conor O'Reilly
- Ms. Herim Ahn


Current university students are likely to have an active working-life until around the year 2070. For such graduates, what changes will they experience during the working-life of the 21st century? With the anticipated speed of change in scientific and technical skills, the best preparation for work in in the 21st century means training for lifelong learning in four areas: Critical Thinking / Creativity / Communication / Collaboration.
The LLC seeks to understand “how people work together”
-> To observe the relationship between IDEAS and interaction in group work
-> To understand how we make meaning and make sense, and make value from our interactions
-> To understand how groups can work together to solve problems and create innovation.
Preparing students for work in the 21st century means training in future learning and innovation skills. Particularly in the sciences, we will need to be more specialised yet more collaborative in creating new ideas. Understanding and developing interaction skills are vital.
-> To understand how we make meaning and make sense, and make value from our interactions
-> To understand how groups can work together to solve problems and create innovation.
Preparing students for work in the 21st century means training in future learning and innovation skills. Particularly in the sciences, we will need to be more specialised yet more collaborative in creating new ideas. Understanding and developing interaction skills are vital.