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Notice for Enrolled Students

[Student Services] Notice of leave of absence application for 2021_2022 T1 휴학신청 기간 안내
21/06/24 12:15 | 학생지원팀 | View 8350 | Comments 0

We would like to inform you regarding leave of absence for Fall 2021 (2021_2022 T1).

The detailed information will be sent to students' emails before the application period starts.

Please check the breif information of leave of absence application stated below and feel free to contact Student Services if you have any questions.

Application period

30th of August (Mon)  ~  15th of September (Wed), 2021


1. Fill out the application form (will be attached in a notice email)

2, Submit the application form to studentservices@ghent.ac.kr

3. One of academic counsellors will be in contact in turn

4. Get an academic counselling and confirmation from the counsellor

5. Receive a LOA confirmation email from Student Services

During a leave of absence the student will not be considered as a GUGC student and loses access to all GUGC facilities and digital services.

When a student terminates the enrolment (via leave of absence) he/she will also no longer be subject to the transitional measures that were into effect for that student due to a programme change.

Article13 §2. Of Education and Examination Code, OER

Students who took General Leave of Absence can only apply for a returning during 1st of July till 15th of August before the start of the academic year unlike students who took Military Leave of Absence can apply for a returning during 1st of July till 15th of August and 1st of January till 15th of February.

Return from a Leave of Absence Between 1st of July till 15th of August before the start of the Academic Year in which the student seeks to return, the student must notify Student Services by submitting the Return from a Leave of absence form.

Exceptionally, students who took a Military Leave of Absence are allowed to return either semester of the Academic Year, and should submit the Return from a Leave of absence form between 1st of January till 15th of February or between 1st of July till 15th of August during or before the start of the Academic Year in which the student seeks to return.

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the related application deadlines of housing and scholarship. If the leave of absence period began within the semester, upon return, the student will restart classes from the beginning of that same semester in the education programme.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Student Services.

Thank you.

Student Services
