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Notice Board

입학설명회 - 중국, 동남아
15/09/15 15:58 | 홍보처 | View 4620 | Comments 0

Representatives from Ghent University Global Campus exhibit at student recruitment fairs and private visits throughout the year. We will be at the following events, and you can meet us to find out more about our rigorous programs. If you would like to schedule an appointment for a one-on-one counseling session, email us at taewan.kim@ghent.ac.kr.

Manila, Philippines – 21-22 Sep, 2015
Cebu, Philippines – 24-25 Sep, 2015
Bangkok, Thailand – 29 Sep – 5 Oct, 2015 (School visits an...d K-Festival)
Chiang Mai, Thailand - 6-7 Oct, 2015
Qingdao, China – 13-15 Oct, 2015
Hong Kong, China – 17-20 Oct, 2015 (Korea Education Fair)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 21-24 Oct, 2015
Hanoi, Vietnam – 25-26 Oct, 2015

Thank you.


겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스는 우수한 학생들을 유치하기 위해 전세계 곳곳에서 입학설명회를 열고 있습니다.

필리핀 마닐라/세부, 태국 방콕/치앙마이, 중국 청도/홍콩 외 다수 도시, 베트남 호치민/하노이에서

학교 방문 및 교육 박람회 참석 예정입니다.

1대 1 상담을 원하시는 분들은 taewan.kim@ghent.ac.kr 로 이메일 주시면 됩니다.

Manila, Philippines – 21-22 Sep, 2015
Cebu, Philippines – 24-25 Sep, 2015
Bangkok, Thailand – 29 Sep – 5 Oct, 2015 (School visits an...d K-Festival)
Chiang Mai, Thailand - 6-7 Oct, 2015
Qingdao, China – 13-15 Oct, 2015
Hong Kong, China – 17-20 Oct, 2015 (Korea Education Fair)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 21-24 Oct, 2015
Hanoi, Vietnam – 25-26 Oct, 2015
