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COVID-19 Alert (Visit to Itaewon from April 24th - May 6th
20/05/12 18:06 | Student Services Division | View 12155 | Comments 0

According to Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they request those who visited clubs, bars, and visitors to Itaewon during the time of April 24th – May 6th to restrain from going out and to follow instructions from community health centers to undergo a diagnostic test.


Also, GUGC Student Services strongly suggests for students to visit the clinic and immediately report to the Student Services office if you have visited Itaewon during the time of April 24th – May 6th.

Please do not hesitate to report to the Student Services office by Wednesday May 13th as your report will be crucially confidential and it is essential to keep our students safe.


4월 24일부터 5월 6일 서울 이태원 소재 클럽, 주점 등 이태원 지역을 방문한 학생들은 외출을 자제하고, 증상유무와 관계없이 5월 13일까지 학생지원팀에 보고 및 보건소에 상담 바랍니다. 


Thank you.

Student Services Division