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Scholarship Information_Academic Year of 2020-2021 (For Newly Enrolled Students ONLY)
20/05/07 17:59 | Student Services Division | View 15600 | Comments 0

Chart below is the information on scholarship for Academic Year of 2020-2021 and its details.

Please remember the following:

  1. soft copy including documents if necessary MUST be submitted according to the deadline.
  2. The original hard copy including documents if necessary MUST be handed in to the Student Services Division Office by August 7th. (Gh 419)


The attached files are as follows:

  1. Scholarship Policy for Academic Year of 2020-2021.
  2. Scholarship Application for Bursary Scholarship.
  3. Scholarship Application for Siblings’ Scholarship.
  4. Scholarship Information Chart


Scholarship Information Chart202005071759050001.png202005071759050002.png202005071759050003.png
