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[Notice] GUGC Building access control in relations to COVID-19
20/04/03 11:27 | 학생지원팀 | View 15842 | Comments 0

Dear Students,


We would like to inform you about the reinforcement for building access control as follows:


1. Only the entrance connected to B1 parking lot will be open between 7:00 – 18:00

Monday to Friday


2. Students may enter the building for following purposes only:

           - To attend a lecture

           - In case a pre-arrangement has been made by a faculty or staff for

             educational/administrative purpose


             * A student list will be shared in advance with the campus nurse on duty at the

                front door.  Any other activity or gatherin in groups is not permitted in the

                building during the period of access control.

            * For those who enter the building, please be reminded to keep the

               social distancing and other codes of conducts relating to COVID-19


3. All doors will be closed after 18:00 Monday to Friday, and closed all day during the weekends.


4. If you need to enter the building contact the relevant faculty or staff in advance according to your purpose


Note : All individuals entering the building are required to wear a face mask and use the hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray


Students who fail to follow these set rules will be penalized, as this reinforcement is part of to minimize the contact within the campus building along with the adjusted educational activity schedule.


We especially ask for students’ cooperation and understanding until further notice is made.

Should you have any question relating to this matter please contact Student Services via email(studentservices@ghent.ac.kr). Thank you.



Best Regards,

GUGC Student Services Division