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[학교소식] Stockholm Water Prize 2022 수상(겐트대학교 동문 Wilfried Brutsaert 교수)
22/06/14 09:27 | 관리자 | View 13639 | Comments 0

안녕하세요. 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스입니다. 

겐트대학교 동문인 Prof.dr. Wilfried Brutsaert 코넬대학교 명예교수가 22년도 스톡홀름물의상을 수상했습니다. 
본 상은 소톡홀름국제물연구소에서 수여하는 상으로 물관련 분야의 노벨상으로 표현되기도 합니다. 

현재 코넬대학교 명예교수이자 수문학자이신 Prof.dr. Wilfried Brutsaert는 1958년, 토양 및 수력공학을 전공하으로 겐트대 생명공학부를 졸업했습니다. 

Wilfried Brutsaert, em. prof. at Cornell University, renowned hydrologist and alumnus of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering is awarded the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize for his innovative work on evaporation and groundwater storage.


The Stockholm Water Prize is often described as the Nobel Prize of water and is characterized by a similar selection process. Since 1991, the Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI, honours people and organizations for extraordinary water-related achievements.  


This year the Stockholm Water Prize  was awarded to Professor Emeritus Wilfried Brutsaert, UGent alumnus and emeritus professor of  Cornell University, for his innovative work on evaporation and groundwater storage that has helped improve climate modeling and technologies to estimate and measure evaporation. Water managers can thank Professor Brutsaert’s research for new tools that let them more accurately assess how much water is available.  


Wilfried Brutsaert  graduated in soil and hydraulic engineering at the faculty of Bioscience Engineering in 1958. 

Read more on the SIWI website: SIWI – Leading expert in water governance

Interview: 7 questions to Professor Brutsaert, Stockholm Water Prize Laureate | SIWI - Leading expert in water governance