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[Job Vacancy] Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD student) in Food Science
24/04/18 17:14 | 겐트대 | View 2083 | Comments 0
Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD student) in food Science-Ghent University Global Campus, Korea

Job summary
Full time Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD candidate in Food Science and Technology)- Ghent University Global Campus.
• KR01 – Department of Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University Global Campus, Korea
• LA07 – Department of Food safety and food quality, Ghent University, Belgium

Contract: 1 year, followed by 1 year on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation, and followed by 2 years (again on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation); for a grand total of 4 years.
Degree: Master degree in the field of food science. Occupancy rate: 100%.
Vacancy type: Assistant Academic Personnel (AAP) Ghent University Global Campus, Korea (GUGC-K) has a vacancy for a position of research (50%) and Teaching (50%)assistant. It concerns a temporary full-time position for a maximum period of 4 years.
Last application date: 30 May, 2024 (applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate).
Starting date: 1st September, 2024.

Job Position
Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC) is an integrated campus of Ghent University, Belgium and the first European university to be part the Incheon Global Campus (IGC), South Korea.
Ghent University Global Campus currently offers Bachelor of Science programs in Molecular Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, and Food Technology. Ghent University is one of the top 100 universities in the world (ARWU 62nd) and in the Life Sciences subjects taught at GUGC, Ghent university ranks even higher.
The terms of employment at GUGC are comparable to those at the campus in Ghent, Belgium. However, free student accommodation and a yearly travel budget are foreseen. GUGC-K is an equal opportunities employer. This position allows promising scientists to carry out research for a period of up to 4 years, under the supervision of Professor Mahta Mirzaei at Ghent University Global Campus, Korea. The student will be co-supervised by a professor of the Ghent University, home campus, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. PhD degree diploma will be from Ghent University, Belgium.

Profile of the candidate
• You hold a Master of Science or biotechnology degree with strong focus on food chemistry.
If you do not hold a Msc from a Korean University, you must have proof of 3 years post-Msc working experience. Those international candidates who are residing in Korea with the following visa types are exempted from the 3-year work experience condition; F-4 (foreign national with Korean ancestral roots), F-6 (spouse visa), F-2 (resident visa/ job seeking visa).
• You have good knowledge of protein science.
• Knowledge of functional foods is an asset.
• Having practical laboratory experience in chemical food analysis is essential.
• Having practical laboratory experience in cell culturing is a great asset.
• You are highly motivated to conduct scientific research in preparation of obtaining a PhD degree in the area of food chemistry.
• You have an independent research and strong self-learning ability; a creative and inquisitive attitude is a must.
• You are willing to help with the final projects of (under) graduate students.

Job description
• You design and perform high-quality scientific research in the field of functional properties of food-derived bioactive peptides.
• You publish your research results in peer-reviewed international journals and actively participate in (inter)national conferences.
• You assist your supervisor in teaching undergraduate courses at Ghent University Global Campus, Korea

How to apply
Required Documents
• Personal motivation letter
• Full professional/academic resume (CV)
  o Your resume needs to document at least 3 years of relevant work experience in case you do not have an MSc degree from a Korean university (visa requirement of the Korean government for non-Korean Ph.D. students).
  o Copy of the bachelors and master degree certificates
  o Transcripts (overview of study results).
  o All required documents must be submitted in English. The documents must be merged into a single PDF file and sent to Mahta.Mirzaei@ghent.ac.kr (subject line: Full-time PhD position (AAP) in Food Science and Technology.

Application process and interview
After a first screening, selected candidates will be invited for a video interview. We reserve the right to hold applications on file for potential future job opening.

Selection Process: CV screening=> Interview=> Internal committee=> Approval by compus committee => Acceptance notice to the selected candidate.
For any inquiries regarding this vacancy, please send an email to Mahta Mirzaei (Mahta.Mirzaei@ghent.ac.kr).