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[Job Vacancy] PhD Student (Research Assistant) in the Center for Environmental and Energy Research
23/04/25 10:19 | 겐트대 | View 8748 | Comments 0

 Job Summary
PhD candidate (Full time Research Assistant in the Center for Environmental and Energy Research)-Ghent University Global Campus
Department: Centre for Environment and Energy Research
Degree: Master degree in the field of Ecotoxicology and Biology or Environmental Science
Contract:  1 year, followed by 1 year on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation, and followed by 2 times 2 years (again on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation); for a grand total of 6 years maximum)
Occupancy rate: 100%
Vacancy Type: Assistant Academic Personnel (AAP)
Last application date: 31 May 2023 (Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate)
Starting date: 15 Jun 2023 (the earliest starting date, negotiable)
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. dr. Jihae Park
(The research records of the supervisor is referred to ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1873-1480.

Job Position
The conditions of employment at Ghent University Global Campus are similar to those at the Ghent campus in Belgium. However, free student accommodation and an annual travel budget are provided. Ghent University Global Campus is an equal opportunities employer.
This position allows promising scholars to conduct research for up to 6 years (maximum) under the supervision of Professor Jihae Park at Ghent University Global Campus, Korea. The student will be co-supervised by Professor Jana Asselman of Ghent University, Home Campus, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. The PhD degree will be awarded by Ghent University, Belgium.
Job Qualification (Profile of the Candidate)
  1. Strong interest in Ecotoxicology and Bioscience.
  2. Master degree in a relevant field (Ecotoxicology and Biology or Environmental Science).
  3. Outstanding academic results, fluent in spoken English, and highly competent in scientific writing in English.
  4. A creative and analytical mind.
  5. Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  6. Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the policies of UGent. For more information visit:  https://www.ugent.be/phd/en
Job Description
You will:
  1. function within an international team of researchers and build a professional network
  2. perform research activities with the aim of writing a PhD thesis in English
  3. publish your research in scientific journals and present your results at the national and international level.
Selection Criteria
  1. Scientific background and knowledge on the relevant field for this post
  2. Educational experience(s)
How to apply
  1. Submit your application by email to Jihae Park (jihae.park@ghent.ac.kr) by 18:00 h, 31st of May 2023. Your application must include a copy of your CV, your academic transcripts, the name and contact details for at least one referee, and a separate motivation letter (max. 1 page) describing your research interests, skills and motivation to apply for the position. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  2. The selection committee will make a shortlist selection of candidates from the submitted applications. Subsequently candidates will be invited for an interview.
  3. For more information contact: jihae.park@ghent.ac.kr
Application Process and Interview
  1. Following an initial screening process, selected candidates will be invited for a video interview. (We reserve the right to keep applications on file for possible future vacancies)
  2. Selection process: CV screening=> Interview=> Selection Committee=> Approval by Campus Council => Notification of acceptance to the selected candidate.
  3. For further information please contact: jihae.park@ghent.ac.kr
Selection Process
  1. CV Screening -> Interview -> Internal committee -> Approval -> Acceptance Notice to the candidate selected. 
Compensation & Benefits for the candidate selected
  1. A fully funded doctoral scholarship for a period up to maximum 6 years (Contract: 1 year, followed by 1 year on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation, and followed by 2 times 2 years (again on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation); for a grand total of 6 years maximum)
  2. A gross monthly grant of ca. 3,000,000 KRW
  3. Housing unit or Housing Allowance
A single unit of Dormitory operated by Incheon Global Campus (IGC) is provided for foreigners.
If the selected candidate is a permanent resident holder or has a Korean nationality, the housing unit shall not be provided by IGC, but the Housing Allowance of 725,000 KRW monthly.
  1. Private Health Insurances
-Marsh private health insurance provided, including basic medical reimbursements
  1. Extensive annual paid leave and holidays
- The selected candidate shall have 35 days paid annual leave per year.
- Additional holiday from Christmas (Dec 25) to New Year (Jan 1).