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[Job Vacancy] Full-Time PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology
24/05/14 15:42 | 겐트대 | View 1951 | Comments 0
Full-Time PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology-Ghent University Korea

Job summary:
PhD candidate (Full time Research and Teaching Assistant in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology)-Ghent University Global Campus.

·         KR01 – Department of Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University, Korea
·         BW22 – Department of Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, Belgium
·         Master degree in the field of Ecotoxicology and Biology or Environmental Science.
·         1 year, followed by 1 year on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation, and followed by 2 years (again on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation); for a grand total of 4 years.
Occupancy rate: 100%.
Vacancy type:  
·         Assistant Academic Personnel (AAP) Ghent University in Korea has a vacancy for a position of research assistant (100%). It concerns a temporary full-time position for a maximum period of 4 years.
·         Last application date: 15 June, 2024 (applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate).
·         Starting date: 1st September, 2024.
Job Position:
·         Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea, has a vacancy for a PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in Environmental Technology in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology (GREAT) at Ghent University Global Campus, starting from September 1, 2024 (open to negotiation). The request(s) and standard(s) for the PhD in GUGC is equivalent to Ghent University home campus (the phd certificate will awared by Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium).
·         The terms of employment at GUGC are comparable to those at the campus in Ghent, Belgium. However, free student accommodation and a yearly travel budget are foreseen. GUGC is an equal opportunities employer. This position allows promising scientists to carry out research for a period of up to maximal 4 years, under the supervision of Professor Jihae Park at Ghent University Global Campus, Korea. In addition, he/she will also be assigned a co-promoter. PhD degree diploma will be from Ghent University, Belgium.
·         As a teaching assistant, the PhD candidate is supposed to spend his/her time in teaching activities pertaining to undergraduate mathematics courses that include the courses (Chemical Analytical Methods/ Environmental Chemistry and Technology/ Green Chemistry and Biotechnology). These activities include assisting with exercise/tutorial (wet/dry) sessions, preparing and grading tests/exams and providing support for bachelor projects.
·         Apart from the teaching activities, the PhD candidate is supposed to perform research in the area of environmental technology and valorization using the waste and aquatic organisms. In this regard, the candidate is expected to complete a doctoral research proposal containing a extensive literature review, a set of research objectives and research plan within the first six months of joining. This research proposal will need to be approved by the GUGC Campus Council in order to ensure renewal of the first contract with GUGC. 

 Profile of the candidate:
·         Strong interest in environmental engineering and life sciences.
·         Master's degree in a relevant field (ecotoxicology/biology/environmental science).
·         Excellent academic record, fluent in spoken English and highly competent in scientific writing in English.
·         Creative and analytical mind.
·         Team spirit and an inquisitive, self-motivated attitude, as well as independent learning/research skills are essential, with the ability to take a leadership role among team members.
·         Your academic qualities comply with the requirements set out in the UGent guidelines. For further information please visit: https://www.ugent.be/phd/en
Job description
You will:
·         function within an international team of researchers and build a professional network
·         perform research activities with the aim of writing a PhD thesis in English
·         publish your research in scientific journals and present your results at the national and international level
Selection Criteria:
·         Scientific background and knowledge
·         Working experiences
Application Documents:
·         Motivation letter (1-page)
·         Full resume (CV), including at least 2 references’ contacts
·         Copy of the certificates and transcripts for education
·         Transcripts (overview of study results and ranking)
·         Others (subjected to the supervisor’s requirement in the later stage)
*The documents shall be merged into a single PDF file (< 10MB) and sent to jihae.park@ghent.ac.kr (Subject line: GREAT_Application_Surname). Please kindly noted only the selected candidate(s) will be contacted for the next step. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application process and interview
·         Interviews (in-person or online) will take place in stages from the first available time.
·         Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate.

Selection process
·         CV screening=> Interview=> Internal committee=> Approval by internal committee => Acceptance notice to the selected candidate.
*We reserve the right to hold applications on file for potential future job openings. For submission of your file and any inquiries, please contact us via e-mail: jihae.park@ghent.ac.kr