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[Job Vacancy] Professor of Plant Biotechnology (~March 31, 2024)
24/02/20 17:46 | 겐트대 | View 2841 | Comments 0
Professor of Plant Biotechnology
§ A full-time tenured professor (combination of a full appointment at GUGC with 10% professorship at Ghent University)
§ Discipline: Plant Biotechnology  
§ Affiliation: at GUGC: Centre for Plant Biotechnology Research Centre (Dept. KR01), at UGent: Faculty of Sciences (Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, WE09)
Last application date
             March 31, 2024
Anticipated starting date
             August 1, 2024
Full-time tenured position for a starting period of 2 years, with the possibility of extension (professional rank to be decided based on the resume of the selected candidate)
             PhD degree in the domain of Plant Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology or equivalent
Occupancy rate
             100 %
Vacancy type
             Teaching and research staff (Autonomous Academic Staff), Professorial Staff (ZAP)
About Ghent University and Ghent University Global Campus
Ghent University is one of the most important education and research institutions in the Low Countries. On a daily basis, over 9,000 staff members and 49,000 students implement its motto "Dare to Think". Ghent University's mission statement is characterized by qualitative education, internationally renowned research, and a pluralistic social responsibility.
GUGC is an extended campus of Ghent University in South Korea, and the first European university to be part of the Incheon Global Campus (IGC). Since 2014, GUGC offers Bachelor of Science programs in Molecular Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, and Food Technology. Ghent University is one of the top 100 universities in the world (ARWU 84, 2023), and in the life sciences subjects taught at GUGC, Ghent University ranks even higher.
At GUGC, the Plant Biotechnology Research Center (RC1) is dedicated to the study of signal transduction pathways that govern plant growth, development, and immunity with the aim to deliver knowledge for crop engineering and sustainable food production.  
To sustain and strengthen the teaching, research, and service activities of the Plant Biotechnology Research Center (RC1), GUGC is looking for a full-time professor with a background in plant biotechnology. This professor will join a group of one professor, two doctoral assistants (post-docs), one teaching assistant, and three research and teaching assistants (PhD students).
Please visit the homepage of Ghent University (Global Campus) to learn more about our organization:
The assignment concerns academic education (in English), academic research, and carrying out academic services in the discipline of Plant Molecular Biotechnology
Academic education
You deliver lectures across various course units in Molecular Biotechnology and Plant Sciences, serving as both a lecturer-in-charge and a co-lecturer. You are willing to co-lecture courses with other faculty member(s) in the center if necessary. The courses you can contribute to include Plant Physiology, Plant Biology, General Biology, and Molecular Biology.
You play a pivotal role in guiding students' research efforts. This includes supervising both bachelor's and master's theses within the field of molecular biotechnology. Furthermore, you serve as an academic advisor for Ph.D. students, providing valuable mentorship and support in their academic pursuits.
Academic research
You conduct cutting-edge research at an internationally competitive level within the expansive field of Molecular Plant Biotechnology. Your work might span various domains of plant research, which contribute significantly to sustainable agriculture.
You link up with colleagues at the global campus and the home campus of Ghent University in Belgium. You also link up with colleagues at Korean universities and research institutes.
Engaging in collaboration with the Marine@UGent (https://www.marineatugent.be/ ) can be a plus.
Academic service
In collaboration with colleagues at both the global and home campuses of Ghent University, you actively contribute to the development of the Plant Biotechnology Center. This includes endeavors such as securing national and international research funding, with the aim of establishing the center as a recognized hub of expertise in South Korea and beyond.
Furthermore, you play an integral role in the internal and external services of the Plant Biotechnology Research Center and GUGC. This involves taking on internal responsibilities, participating in committees and workgroups, and serving as a mentor to contribute to the overall growth and success of the center and the university.
- You hold a doctoral degree in a relevant subject (Plant Biotechnology, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biochemistry, or equivalent).
- You have an excellent academic track record, proven by peer-reviewed publications in proceedings of high-quality conferences and international journals.
- You possess the necessary didactic skills to instill academic competencies in university students.
- You are capable of initiating, supervising and acquiring the necessary funding for academic research. In this respect, you have a demonstrable record in obtaining research funding; attracting Korean research funds will be considered an advantage for obtaining the position.
Skills / Attitude
- You have independent research and strong self-learning abilities; a creative and inquisitive attitude is a must.
- You have strong didactic, communicative, and managerial skills, as well as a large interest in providing and supporting academic education.
- You are a team player, open to (interdisciplinary) collaboration within both GUGC and the home campus of Ghent University.
- You are comfortable with working in an international and multi-cultural environment that is dynamic in nature (GUGC alone currently has more than 20 nationalities among its teaching and research staff).
- You are quality-oriented.
Admission requirements
- You hold a thesis-based doctorate, or a diploma or degree certificate that is recognized as equivalent (article V.20 Codex Higher Education).
- You have at least two years of postdoctoral experience by the start date of your appointment at Ghent University (Global Campus). This term of two years is determined by the date written on the above-mentioned required diploma.
Language requirements
The Flemish statutory language requirements for teaching and academic staff are laid down in Art. II.270 of the Codex of the Higher Education states the following:
Each member of the teaching staff or of the academic staff charged with a teaching assignment must master the language in which you teach a course unit at CEFR level C1. This is also called the teaching language requirement.
Gender and diversity
Ghent University and GUGC have an equal opportunities policy and encourages everyone to apply. Ghent University also strives for a gender balance. Female applications are thus especially welcomed.
Selection procedure
After the final application date, all received applications will be sent to the assessment committee assembled for this vacancy. This committee will first evaluate the application files. Therefore, it will match all elements of the file against the required expertise for the position in terms of education, research and scientific service. Based on this deliberation, relevant candidates will be shortlisted to be invited for further selection (interview, possible presentation or test lecture ...).
Afterwards, the committee will rank the suitable candidates and present this ranking to the GUGC and Faculty Boards. This advice will then be presented to the University Board for approval.
Candidates are asked to submit a list of all publications, highlighting the five most important publications or other academic achievements with the highest impact. Next to academic publications, the candidate can thus demonstrate merit of knowledge transfer by academic dissemination (including experience in teaching university students), social valorization, public awareness, seminars or conference presentations. These competences are also taken into account when evaluating the candidates.
Pregnancy leave, prolonged sick leave, parental leave, filial leave, or other forms of absence are taken into account when evaluating the available time for the realization of academic output.
Appointment information
We offer you a contract as an assistant or associated professor, depending on your previous career and scientific output. According to the Korean law, the contract will initially be for a two years period, after which an infinite period contract is given on condition of a positive evaluation of the performance.
We offer you an appointment with renewable duration for a maximum of 5 years. This is a tenure track position. With respect to the career path, we follow the same rules and evaluation periods as for a professorship at Ghent University home campus:
Although fully employed on the pay-role of GUGC, the appointment consists of a 90 % appointment at GUGC and a 10 % appointment at Ghent university home campus. This ensures that the selected candidate has access to all opportunities offered to Ghent University professors (e.g., internal funding calls and professional development opportunities). Specifically, the selected candidate will be integrated in the Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics of the Faculty of Sciences of Ghent University.
Compensation and benefits
ü  Salary will be determined in accordance to the Ghent University salary standards
ü  Bonus: a bonus in June (92% of monthly salary) and a bonus in December (100% monthly salary)
ü  Transportation and housing
ü  Severance
ü  Private health insurance
ü  Leaves and holidays
ü  For international applicants: visa support and relocation
How to apply
Application procedure  
* All required documents must be submitted in English. The documents MUST BE MERGED INTO A SINGLE PDF file and sent to gugcacademichr@UGent.be (subject line: RC1_ZAP_last name.firstname)
More information
For further information regarding this vacancy, please contact Prof. dr. Hoo Sun Chung. Hoosun.chung@ghent.ac.kr